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Prince Louis viral photo: Mike Tindall was keeping ‘future king’s children in line’

 Mike Tindall recently dished on his and Prince Louis' viral photo at the Platinum Jubilee Pageant.

During his appearance on The Good, The Bad and the Rugby podcast, the former rugby player spilt the beans on the viral picture as his cohost James Haskell joked about keeping ‘the future king’s children in line’.

"Tins wears a hat, he goes up 100,000," cohost Alex Payne said before asking, “What were you actually doing at that point, with the old [pointing at eyes gesture]?"

"I actually can't remember, I can't remember what he was doing," Mike replied. "He's such a good character he is, Louis."

"The ones who have no chance of being in the mix are always the best characters," Haskell added.

During his conversation on the June 5 episode of the podcast, the 43-year-old talked about sitting in the front row of the pageant.

"It's tough for them. They're all young. It's a long time," the athlete said. "But as any parents know, you just do whatever needs to be done."

He added, "Louis, he was just wanting to have fun. And my two [daughters, Mia and Lena] are always mischievous, so it's trying to keep a lid on. There were a lot of sweets out back though, so there was a real sugar high."

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